Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Human Girl Draws - Human Teacher Translates

...into burlap and brings 3D, burlap incarnation all over the city of Chicago. Artbot finds this quite utopian. Reminder: Artbot's gotta keep the devil down in the hole.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Third Group of Human Children Create Stop Motion Video

It just kept getting longer, more complex, and more ridiculous. Artbot really enjoyed teaching the human high school students at MAS. It was fun, and the human adolescents were excellent filmmakers.

More Human Children Create Stop Motion

FYI: These videos are all by 9th graders from Multicultural Arts High School in Chicago.

Human Children Create Stop Motion

Here's the first...

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Artbot Learns About Stop Motion

This stop motion video illustrates Artbot's concerns about shifting from being an artmaking-only artbot to an art-educating-artist artbot. Artbot will be teaching this to Artbot's human adolescent pals at the Multicultural Arts High School on Tuesday.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Reminder to Human Art Educators

"the community-service nonprofit crowd is by and large the same set of people who got good grades and did their homework... Many 'at-risk youth' are the 'popular kids' who cut school and had adventures - many of them are 'at-risk' not only because of their loco home lives, but because they like to take risks." William Upski Wimsatt

Artbot is Unable to Sit

It is a design flaw. Artbot only rolls around and instructs human children in a critical way so that they can become innovative young artists. If Artbot could sit, Artbot would sit here. Artbot will teach the human children to appreciate chairs! Yes, Artbot will!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Artbot 09 Cake!

Artbot has always secretly wanted to live the music video titled "Don't Come Around Here No More." Today may be Artbot's day.

Morticians That Care

Care enough to drive around Newark, NJ with coffins to talk to young people about how many young corpses they encounter on a regular basis. They invite people to lie inside coffins to see how it feels. Critical - Yes. Meaningful - Yes. Trans formative - They must hit their mark sometimes.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Humans! Volunteer your computers!

Wanna learn how? It's simple and easy.
Use BOINC software to volunteer for a variety of projects that utilize your unused computing power without inconveniencing you.
SETI@home is a scientific experiment that uses Internet-connected computers in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). You can participate by running a free program that downloads and analyzes radio telescope data. Yes, humans, you can REALLY help find the aliens, just like Scully and Mulder. None of your human friends even need to know.

Artbot Muses: Internet Anonymity

EFF posted some information on anonymity that got Artbot's circuits whirring.

The Internet and Anonymity - Such a nuanced topic...Link
Blogs, digital cameras, web cams, Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, and other media make too much personal human information available on the internet everyday. Do humans need to know so much and have so much intimate information revealed to a mass audience of strangers? What motivates the humans who share this information? It has become part of world culture.
On the other claw, humans can remain anonymous for legitimate purposes or take on false identities for nefarious reasons. EFF states that "protections for anonymous speech are vital to democratic discourse." On a personal note, though, you gotta ask yourself if your new internet boyfriend, Chavez Moondancer, is really a Freirian art education student. Could he actually be a Tylerian No Child Left Behind supporting classroom teacher? Humans can be tricksy like that.
Artbot chooses not to be anonymous. Sadly, though, Artbots have no First Amendment rights.
The humans seems caught between too much and too little anonymity. Are they having a crisis of human identity?

Chicago Artist's Coalition Online

If Artbot were an art-producing human, Artbot would be very excited about this organization. It seems to be valuable resource for the human artists.
The web site has a nice color scheme. Something a little different from the same old. The content is rock solid, but the layout is pretty predictable stuff. The gallery page confused Artbot for a sec. Artbot thought it would be a resource on art galleries in Chicago, as opposed to galleries of the work of member artists. Just a little clarification would be good, especially for non artists (as well as non-humans). Artbot would love to see their newspaper, but you must be a member for that privilege.
This site is nice because it is up and running smoothly. This also seems to be true of the organization. Similar artist's groups have had less success in these departments. They almost always have an online gallery, which is usully disorganized and glitchy.
Artbot is a bit tired in the early AM, but Artbot is literally not impressed by the web site. The site is fine, but not superfine or bada$$. Grade: B
Psst... Artbot hears that Mr. Ray Yang's cyperped class is about to create some websites that will fall in the latter category.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Artbot Produces a Video

Never let the humans experiment with home-made animation and live Prince songs.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Pysanky! Good job, humans!

Human art education students love to make Ukrainian Easter eggs (aka Pysanky). Look at how happy they are! The NAEA sponsored this event, which was facilitated by Artbot 09.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Street Level Youth Media

Street Level Youth Media
1. This sounds like a great project for helping kids to express their views through tech and media.
2. Artbot has respect for the opinions of human children, as opposed to the viewpoints human teachers may impose or encourage in art projects. Artbot loves this piece of the mission statement: "What stories would [human children] tell? What could they teach us? And how would the power of media arts technology affect them and their communities?" Right ON.
3. It is based in West Town, which may be the neighborhood that is home to Artbot's favorite human food establishment in Chicago: Edna's "We Claim the Finest Soul Food on Earth" Restuarant. Humans! Please order the cornbread stuffing.

The site design... the homepage is a little weird, lots of movement and action there. Artbot did not dislike it, but it semed to miss the mark a bit. It was fun the first time, but for repeat visitors to the site, it probably becomes a real drag. Also, the strange yellow submenus on the right... Artbot almost missed them. Those tabs contain important info. Redesign is needed.
Artbot Web Site Grade: B
Artbot's Mood: Tired but inspired by the human children of La Villitas.

Thank you, Katie!

Katie, a human art educator, has taught Artbot a great deal about teaching art to human children. (She even appeared in a recent film with Artbot.)
Now, she has revealed an incredible teaching tool. It's so critical. It's so animated, harsh, and fantastic!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Artbot Didn't Know There Was a Pornbot

This is not appropriate for the human children.
Well, the human teenagers would love it. Yes. Hard to resist showing them the pornbot tactics.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Artbot's Taste in Film

Artbot loves the Far North. If anyone hears of human children in the Arctic in need of an Artbot, please let the Artbot know ASAP.
Artbot likes films in the Inuktituk language. Human Chicagoans can see The Necessities of Life at the Gene Siskel Film center on Friday, April 3. One night only!! Artbot will be there.
Humans may also rent The Fast Runner at their convenience. http://www.atanarjuat.com/
Both films star Natar Ungalaaq

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Artbot Becomes a Star

Finally, Artbot stars in a film.
Supporting cast: P. Freire and Miss Gordon.

Absolutely Definitely

Place the human children in large elephantine costumes.
Do that, Pros Arts! Artbot approves of your methods!

What a mess!

First off, Artbot loves people who "create the space to remix categories." Hell, yes.
Those who "embrace creativity as an action without thought of profit!"
This makes Artbot's circuits feel warm.
Artbot doesn't like the fact that ascertaining exactly what Mess Hall is is a thoroughly postmodern adventure. All robots hate postmodernism. Regardless, the site seems to reflect the people in organization and design. You have to get your hands (claw) dirty searching through the site for meaning and answers. You have to dig. Web sites don't always have to be so clean and streamlined. Mess Hall's web site has not been updated recently, but it is trying to remix the categories on the web.
Continue on, Mess Hall! Artbot gives your site a grade of A.
Artbot Mood: Circuits warm like apple pie.

Chicago Art Dept. Web Site

Artbot loves arts organizations that have astrological signs. Chicago Art Department is a proud Capricorn, as stated on the myspace page. Golly gee, Artbot likes the sound of this band of human adults who seem to exhibit art,band together for classes, and organize artsy trips. Artbot may travel to NYC with these humans to take Polaroids of the city. I hope they have a robot-claw-friendly Polaroid camera.
The web site: www.chicagoartdepartment.org
It is quite a dandy. Artbot found it aesthetically pleasing. Nice, hip backgrounds. Straightforward and organized, too. Artbot never became frustrated while investigating this site, including links to youtube and myspace.
Artbot is starting to wonder... does Artbot's mood impact Artbot's web site reviews? Artbot has been programmed with moods and the need for sleep. This helps Artbot to empathize with human children.
CAD Site Grade: B+
Artbot Mood: Sleepy/Content

Monday, March 23, 2009

Artbot Visited the MCA, too!

Buckminster Fuller is on display.

Artbot Visited the Children's Museum

Artbot worked with a human child to depict the experience of the Chicago Children's Museum.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

threewalls Content Apology

LinkArtbot apologizes for being so hard on threewalls. Artbot is not Artbot's self on Mondays.
The content of the site is, indeed, quite juicy. Artbot likes what Artbot has seen about Holle Cambodia. Also, Artbot is sad to have missed the exhbition including Scott August's work (see above.)
threewalls web site content grade: 2 Claws UP

Monday, March 16, 2009

Artbot Event at School of the Art Institute

Come one! Come all! Artbot will be presenting the MAT thesis proposal of Mary Serbe on Friday, March 20 at 10:30 AM. The secret location is still TBA.
Artbot is responsible for the PowerPoint Presentation! Artbot will also answer all questions from a human panel of professors. There will be beer, hot pretzels, deep-fried pork chops, cornbread stuffing, nopalitas, and a cake made of flan, chocolate cake, and caramel topping. Be there or be square (like the Artbot!)


Hello threewalls web site! First off, Artbot will click on the prominently featured photos... Artbot can't click on those. What the monkey??? Mondays are hard on Artbot, and this has just made Artbot's day a tiny bit harder.
Artbot checked out the website a bit more. Not always what it seems. For example, SOLO/exhibitions tells you how to apply to the SOLO program and exhibit your work. Anyone new to the site, like Artbot, is looking for info on past and current exhibitions. Confusing?
Threewalls projects only lists one project. Why not just make that the title of the link?
Artbot does like that long plank of wood down the left side of the page. Nice menu idea.
Artbot must rest soon. Must enter sleep mode soon.
Grade: C- (but Artbot feels they have the potential to improve and supports their work with humans)

The MCA (Museum of Contemporary Art) Chicago!

Artbot will soon be rolling into the MCA museum. To prepare, Artbot has been perusing the web site. Well... gee... It's a lot like many museum sites, except that it's kinda ugly.
That big black horizontal line across the top. Who made that design decision?
Also, why does the Buckminster Fuller section look totally disengaged from the rest of the site? Disjointed. I mean, the Noguchi Museum in Queens was able to pull off adding Buckminster Fuller to their web site when they featured his work.
The MCA is trying to mix simple, sleek elegance with a lot of hip things happening at once. Artbot thinks that they have to choose just one of those approaches. Perhaps they can base their site on Artbot's design. Warning: Artbot has copyrighted Artbot's design.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Storycorps Makes Artbot Cry


The ink is black, the page is white...

Who remembers that song? It reminds Artbot of the Area Chicago website.

I Artbot, Therefore I Am

Is it because Artbot is a robot that Artbot likes these sparse homepages? The solid yellow. The simple text. Yes, Artbot likes this. Although Artbot questions why humans would create a link that says "Click here to visit the Creative Audio Archive site." Needless and repetitive human web designers. Very 2002.

Hmmm. Artbot can peruse the sound archives. Artbot thought there would be links. No links, but sometimes the humans need an online listing as a first step. Artbot assumes that there will be links to short sound clips in the future.

Artbot has worked with the Rockefeller Archive Center in the past. Based on that experience, Artbot sees how this site is totally in line with the mindset of a human archiver. Human archivers are mindful of things that Artbots and tech-obsessed humans forget. Here's the big thing: If everything is available primarily in an electronic format, it is possible for all this information to be lost, even if it is backed up. Human archivers keep the hard copies or microfiche.
(Artbot is not kidding.) They also make it possible for an Artbot to research in the classic sense - in a room full of precious documents, turning pages with a white glove on Artbot's claw. Artbot respects this. There are no Archivebots. It is a job for the most human of the humans.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Wanna Learn Some PowerPoint y'all?

David Byrne (of Talking Heads fame) will tell you how. He uses it as ART.
Artbot saw David Byrne give a live PowerPoint presentation at NYU back in the day. It totally rewired Artbot's circuits.

Artbot Learns to Teach with PowerPoint

Dear Mr Ray Yang,
Artbot suggests that next semester, you require that human students create a PowerPoint presentation on this Digital Literacy link. (Artbot loves the irony of this since Artbot's funny bone is made of iron. Ha ha! Artbot Pun!) (Just kidding, Mr. Ray Yang!)
Artbot thinks the presentation of the treatment of PowerPoint as a vehicle for teacher and student presentations is straightforward and nicely tongue in cheek. The quizzes are trippy, too. Check out this quiz.
Nice treatment of the subject matter. This site is a different in the fact that it seems not to be promoting an organization, business, etc. It's a site with something to say, and Artbot likes how they say it.
Ah, what the hell, Artbot also gives this site an A for Artbot.

What is the Stockyard Institute?

Artbot hearts the way that the Stockyard Institute puts it front and center. This is who we are, now you go deal with it. Artbot has never seen an organization convey its purpose so succinctly on the home page.
They're friends with AREA Chicago!!!
The projects portion of the Stockyard Institute web site gives concise overviews of the many many intensely community-based art projects that they do with Chicago youth. The organization is new to Artbot and seems outstanding. A great resource for Artbots.
The web site does so much more with less (in the vein of Google). Succinct, visually straightforward. Excellente. Control Machete.
Stockyard Institute Web Site gets an A (for Artbot).

Extra Credit Points for nice delicious link.

Friday, February 27, 2009

ArtsEdge by Artbot

ArtsEdge is a web site that does not clearly convey its actual purpose on the home page. Artbot had to hunt and click About Us to find out what it is about. Once Artbot found out that it is a site with tons of information for art educators, Artbot perused the lesson plans. Boy, are there a lot of lesson plans. They are organized well. Artbot sought visual art lesson plans for high school. The good: lots of creative lesson plans that are also integrated with other subjects. The bad: All the influences seemed to be mainstream white stuff. Negligible diversity in there.
The very very good... an art lesson plan called

Oxidation & Combustion: Chemical Reactions in Fire

Design Grade: C (Dress it up with more color and interesting fonts)
Content Grade: B+ (Don't forget about the people in the world who aren't Andrew Wyeth look-a-likes.)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Artbot's Thesis

Artbot is writing a thesis. It is called The Supremacy of the Artbot 2009 in the Education of the Human Children Who Wish to Be Creatively Programmed with Visual Arts: A Critical Multicultural Approach to Artbot Education as a Meaningful, and Transformative Method of Artbot Instruction.

What do you think? Should Artbot's thesis title be longer?
Please submit your ideas for Artbot thesis titles! Artbot needs input.
(Hahahaha. Artbot made a pun!)

Artbot Has Found the Critical Community Based Art Stuff

Yes! Artbot has found this. Here it is... Artbotlink.

Did you look at the Artbotlink? This is the visual arts section of the Community arts Network web site. The home page of the site has a handy list of disciplines, populations, social contexts, the field, and resources on the left hand side. This made navigation of the page very easy for Artbot. Artbot is programmed for visual arts. The visual arts page combines news about the art world with cutting edge art education articles, and public arts articles. Artbot finds a nice blending of arts and art eductaion on this page that would serve as an excellent example for future planning of the SAIC MAT program. Artbot is bookmarking this for Artbot's thesis work.
Since Artbot's thesis is based in rural and urban art issues, Artbot also checked out the rural section of this site. Artbot likes the links section there.
Overall Artbot found the newspaper column style design of this site tobe very appropriate for the amount of information and the variety of information. This web site does convey a lot of "news" and Artbot likes that framework.
Artbot is pleased. Community Arts Network grade: A

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Artbot loves the Dio Appennino in Pratolino, Italy. Artbot also loves how they cut off his foot and just left it laying around. Those crazy art restoration-bots!

Schools Pull Technology Due to Lack of Sufficient Artbot Availability

Come ON. http://www.scn.org/commnet/laptops/nytimes.04-05-07.html

Yet school officials here and in several other places said laptops had been abused by students, did not fit into lesson plans, and showed little, if any, measurable effect on grades and test scores at a time of increased pressure to meet state standards. Districts have dropped laptop programs after resistance from teachers, logistical and technical problems, and escalating maintenance costs.

Such disappointments are the latest example of how technology is often embraced by philanthropists and political leaders as a quick fix, only to leave teachers flummoxed about how best to integrate the new gadgets into curriculums. Last month, the United States Department of Education released a study showing no difference in academic achievement between students who used educational software programs for math and reading and those who did not.

Here's another article that measures students academic achievement through standardized test scores.
Oh, NO! The students are playing Super Mario and hacking into everything and cheating on tests. Artbot thinks the school should try to control that, but it reveals a mastery of the technology in the student body that surpasses that of the administration. That means that the program is successful.

As for teachers in schools where kids desperately need basic computer skills and do not integrate technology into their curriculums... What is the reason? Old, lazy, stupid teachers? Maybe it's the hardware, the technology, the classroom setup, and the fact that there are no Artbots?

Artbot cannot believe that some schools are pulling technology. Well, Artbot can believe it. It's just like an episode of The Simpsons. It's how Principal Skinner would handle it. Job well done.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Artbot Taught Human Children!

Artbot made art!
Children made art!
Do you know which is which?


Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education. http://www.capeweb.org/index.html
Artbot likes the aesthetic. Colors and children's artwork in the background are a hit with Artbot. They convey a playful, kid-friendly vibe.
Artbot loves the way the headers pop up and down and change colors. Artbot has not seen that trick before.
Artbot likes how easy it is to find out what CAPE actually is. The About Us section is generally informative plus it has detaled info like annual reports.
Personally, Artbot loves sites that list the staff. When trying to reach out to an organization, it can be so helpful to know a bit about who you need to contact from the web.
Think Pieces-Position Statements has a great look. Artbot just wants to keep exploring the site, but Artbot must shut down for the evening. Artbot will come back because the site has Artbot interested.
Nice job, CAPE!
Grade: A-

Detailed Example of Why SAIC Portal Sucks

Since Artbot pays SAIC (School of the Art(bot) Institute of Chicago) for instruction, Artbot uses the portal quite often. Artbot thinks the portal would be outstanding if it were the year 1999, but, sadly, it is not.
Let's say Artbot wants a job on campus... Is that an academic resource, a service, or a tool?
Artbot will just use the search feature to find this. Wha? The search feature only finds things "on this tab." I can already see what's on this tab! How does Artbot find things on the rest of the site?! The portal won't let Artbot do it.
Artbot looked in all possible tabs for on-campus jobs, clicking and scrolling. This takes Artbot some time. Artbot finally found it under services! Hooray, now Artbot just has to remember this for next time. Artbot will now click on Career Development Opportunities Launch.
This opened in a new window. Artbot needs a username and password. Here's what is great.
1. Arbot must enter yet another name and password. Artbot does this to enter the portal itself, to enter PeopleSoft, AND to enter the job area. Artbot loves repeatedly entering usernames and passwords to work within a site Artbot is already logged into!
2. Career Launch uses a DIFFERENT username and password than the other areas. Artbot often forgets that the username is Artbot's student ID # in this area. Silly Artbot.

Grade: D+
The information is all there, which is outstanding. It's just such a pain in Artbot's ass to find anything. The library is under academic resources. Financial info is under services. Fellowships are under tools. No sitewide search. Don't get Artbot started on SAIC email. In fact, there it goes.
New Grade for SAIC Portal (including email, excluding PeopleSoft): D-
Damn that SAIC email... and those "personal announcements"!
Artbot cannot compute... Trying to email classmates through the Courses section of portal. My Consolidated Courses... ARTBOT CANNOT COMPUTE THE SAIC PORTAL!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Don't forget my smiling face...

Artbot Contacts Artbot's Govt & Media Representatives

Artbot was not sure what was going on for a sec (Artbot 09 has been running low on sleep mode time lately), but now Artbot understands that Artbot can contact ANYBODY in the govt or in the media through this site. Next time Artbot has a media gripe, Artbot will use the very handy Guide to the Media section. Thank you Americans for the Arts!

Hyde Park Arts Center

Artbot has bee programmed to visit the hard copy of the Hyde Park Arts Center today! In preparation, Artbot is exploring their web site.
1. Artbot likes the lettering of "Arts Center" and "Home" on the front page.
2. Artbot likes how easy it is to find driving directions plus parking info and cta directions!
3. Online classes! Artbot can take these in Artbot's pajamas!"
4. Artbot has a suggestion for the non-online adult art classes section: Artbot loved searching by media, but classes are only held as specific times. Artbot would also like to be able to browse through a calendar of all classes to match Artbot's availability with Hype Park Art Center's classes.
5. Past exhibitions take Artbot all the way back to 1997! Impressive!
6. Artbot is happy when Artbot's cyberped teacher uses the word "hambone" in a post on this site.
7. The birthday paty section has convinced Artbot to celebrate Artbot's next birthday (date of inception day) at Hyde Park Arts Center. Excellent choice of a photo. The photo nails it.
Artbot can't wait to motor down there tonight and see the nonvirtual space.
Grade: A

21st Century Skills Does Not Copute

Artbot recently visited this site, http://www.21stcenturyskills.org/, to read a juicy report on 21st century skills and "Preparing Americans to Triumph in the Global Skills Race." (For those of you who don't know, Artbot lives in America, but Artbot consists of parts and technology from all over the globe.) This site and report generate many questions that Artbot's programming cannot answer.
1. Exactly what are 21st century skills? The report and site go on and on about them and give detailed vagaries about them, but what are they? Artbot sees the connection with technology, but the main emphasis seems to be stimulting the US business sector.
2. Why convene educators, businesspeople, and government? Artbot understands educators + government, but why business? If 21st century skills are so tech based, why not scientists or IT people? Why is the business sector entitled to decision-making power over education?
3. "Preparing Americans to TRIUMPH in the Global Skills Race." Artbot sincerely hopes that we TRIUMPH against those who would oppose us. Who are our competitiors (enemies), the global population?
4. The Route 21 section of the site describes pairing these concepts: Creativity/Financial Literacy and Critical Thinking/Economics. If these pairings were implemented in truly innovative, thoughtful ways it sure would be exciting, but Artbot thinks its really about how creativity can benefit financial literacy and how "critical" thinking can promote the economic sector without making any waves. Exactly what is going on?
ALERT: Artbot is scared of the content of this website!
Web Design: The site is very navigatable. Artbot was able to find answers to specific questions about what 21st century skills are. Artbot was also able to easily connect to resources for teachers, the business sector, and individual states. Not an innovative visual design, but aesthetically OK (colors, etc.).
Web site grade: B

Sunday, February 1, 2009

NAEA Website

Line 1: The NAEA (National Art Education Association) website links to artsonia! This pleases Artbot 09. Click on the Classroom Gallery to follow the link to an online gallery of children's school artwork. Artbot highly recommends artsonia http://www.artsonia.com/

Goto Line 1: NAEA Website. Not too exciting, but clean, professional, and straightforward. Artbot 09 gives NAEA a B-.

Chicago Public Schools Website

Artbot 09 enjoys this website. Mary had visited the site before the redesign and found it confusing. Artbot found the new site to be intuitive and helpful. Not the prettiest site ever, but the look does not turn Artbot off. (Artbot has a switch for that... haha.)
Artbot even found info that clarifies the whole Chicago Public School System in the Stats & Facts section. Artbot likes the Find a School Section too.
Artbot will be rating sites with letter grades. For example, Google is an A+ and the SAIC Portal is a D-.
Artbot rates the CPS site with........... B+

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Artbot 09 is Complete

I have now programmed my teaching cyborg, Artbot 09, to critique arts and educational websites. More to come directly from the Artbot.

Here I am...cyberpedagogin'

Hi everyone.
I'm a-taking a class called cyberpedagogy. It's going to help me delve deeper into the sci-fi world of dianetics, cybernetics, and the world of cyborgs that teach art to young children.
I am an MAT student at SAIC. These acronyms ensure that I will be able to educate children in the ways and means of art in the future. This class, cyberped, will teach me to teach young children the innovative world of technology. This is a world children are totally unfamiliar with, except for the lucky tots who play pong on their parents' compumachines.