Friday, February 27, 2009

ArtsEdge by Artbot

ArtsEdge is a web site that does not clearly convey its actual purpose on the home page. Artbot had to hunt and click About Us to find out what it is about. Once Artbot found out that it is a site with tons of information for art educators, Artbot perused the lesson plans. Boy, are there a lot of lesson plans. They are organized well. Artbot sought visual art lesson plans for high school. The good: lots of creative lesson plans that are also integrated with other subjects. The bad: All the influences seemed to be mainstream white stuff. Negligible diversity in there.
The very very good... an art lesson plan called

Oxidation & Combustion: Chemical Reactions in Fire

Design Grade: C (Dress it up with more color and interesting fonts)
Content Grade: B+ (Don't forget about the people in the world who aren't Andrew Wyeth look-a-likes.)

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