Monday, April 6, 2009

Street Level Youth Media

Street Level Youth Media
1. This sounds like a great project for helping kids to express their views through tech and media.
2. Artbot has respect for the opinions of human children, as opposed to the viewpoints human teachers may impose or encourage in art projects. Artbot loves this piece of the mission statement: "What stories would [human children] tell? What could they teach us? And how would the power of media arts technology affect them and their communities?" Right ON.
3. It is based in West Town, which may be the neighborhood that is home to Artbot's favorite human food establishment in Chicago: Edna's "We Claim the Finest Soul Food on Earth" Restuarant. Humans! Please order the cornbread stuffing.

The site design... the homepage is a little weird, lots of movement and action there. Artbot did not dislike it, but it semed to miss the mark a bit. It was fun the first time, but for repeat visitors to the site, it probably becomes a real drag. Also, the strange yellow submenus on the right... Artbot almost missed them. Those tabs contain important info. Redesign is needed.
Artbot Web Site Grade: B
Artbot's Mood: Tired but inspired by the human children of La Villitas.

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